Monday, October 7, 2013

Our MCF 7 line has low levels of phospho Akt

exogenous sphinganine 1 phosphate secured against both kidney and liver injury induced by liver IR. In this study, we elucidated the signaling mechanisms of sphinganine 1 phosphate Bosutinib mediated hepatic and renal protection. A selective S1P1 receptor antagonist blocked the hepatic and renal protective effects of sphinganine 1 phosphate whereas a selective S1P2 or S1P3 receptor antagonist was without effect. Moreover, a selective S1P1 receptor agonist, SEW 2871, presented similar degree of kidney and liver safety compared with sphinganine 1 phosphate. Moreover, in vivo gene knock-down of S1P1 receptors with small interfering RNA canceled the hepatic and renal protective effects of sphinganine 1 phosphate. In contrast to sphinganine 1 phosphate, S1Ps hepatic security was increased using an S1P3 receptor antagonist. Inhibition of extra-cellular signal-regulated kinase, Akt or pertussis toxin sensitive G proteins blocked sphinganine 1 phosphate mediated liver and kidney defense in vivo. Taken together, our show that sphinganine 1 phosphate offered renal and hepatic safety after liver IR damage in mice via selective Inguinal canal activation of S1P1 receptors and pertussis toxin sensitive G proteins with subsequent activation of ERK and Akt. Hepatic ischemia and reperfusion is a major medical problem complicating major hepatic resection and liver transplantation. Hepatic IR usually leads to distant organ injury such as the lung, kidney and heart. In particular, acute kidney injury after major liver IR is extremely popular and the development of AKI after liver injury significantly increases individual mortality and morbidity during the perioperative period. We lately characterized a mouse type of AKI caused by liver IR with prominent early renal endothelial cell apoptosis and dysfunction with subsequent proximal tubule inflammation and necrosis. We also unexpectedly identified profound and Anacetrapib rapid destruction of the physiologically uncharacterized sphingolipid compound sphinganine 1 phosphate in mouse plasma after hepatic IR. Moreover, we confirmed that exogenous repletion of sphinganine 1 phosphate provided a strong protection against liver and kidney injury after liver IR in mice. We could demonstrate that mice treated with exogenous sphinganine 1 phosphate showed substantially vascular dysfunction and improved endothelial cell integrity. Unlike the better characterized cytoprotective aftereffects of S1P, the cellular mechanism of sphinganine 1 phosphate mediated liver and kidney defense after liver IR hasn't been elucidated. For example, in our previous research, we implicated a sphingosine 1 phosphate receptor having an villain for S1P1/3 receptors, nevertheless the specific sub-type of S1P receptor involved remains unclear. Activation of S1P1 receptors in vascular endothelial cells sounds many cytoprotective kinase signaling cascades including ERK mitogen-activated protein kinase and Akt via a pertussis toxin sensitive and painful Gprotein dependent process.

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